As this deck is built with the madness mechanic in mind, Anje Falkenrath draws a ton of potential. There are three black-red commanders to choose from in the deck, and youll want to choose which one youre going all-in on. Faceless Menace / 2019 Edit Commander / EDH BUG (Sultai) Casual Theme/Gimmick. 'Merciless Rage' is a deck with one obvious goal: attack opponents and push through to keep the damage flowing. Trading Card Games / Magic The Gathering / MTG Commander 2019 Faceless Menace. I started and changed out the lands removing the enter tapped lands (Slow lands) and adding the Shock Lands (Pay two or enters tapped), Fetch Lands (Tap, Sac, Pay One Search out A or B), Fast Lands (Enters tapped unless you control two or fewer lands) and Pain Lands (Tap-Add one or Tap, Pay one life-Add A or B). Updated by kamelyan using our MTG Deck Builder.

Now looking through this deck I saw there was room for improvement with the cards. So with the release of the 2019 commander pre con decks, I bought the Faceless Menace Deck.